Freedom Beheaded

Carlos Benpar

He was born in Barcelona on November 13, 1947

He received the Spanish Film Academy´s Goya 2006 Award for the Best Feature Documentary Film for Cineastes contra Magnats (Filmmakers Vs Tycoons) and received the same award the following year for Cineastes en acció (Filmmakers in Action)

Both films have won the Barcelona Award (now the Gaudí award) for the Best Documentary Feature Film of the Catalan industry. And Cineastes en acció has also won the Spanish “Círculo de Escritores Cinematográficos” (Circle of Cinema Writers) Medal and the Special Prix from EGEDA for the best documentary feature film released in 2006.

Cineastes contra Magnats and Cineastes en acció, both of which he produced and directed –writing the script in collaboration with Ferrán Alberich- are essay films. These films mark a return on his part to the spirit of his previous works, in which he defended filmmakers the world over in their struggle against the manipulations made to their films by the theatrical and audiovisual media.

Carlos Benpar’s initial experiences with the cinema were through the Montseny Film Society (1965-1970) and, concurrently, as a trainee for the directors Florestano vancini (I lunghi giorni della vendetta) and Josep María Forn (La respuesta / M’enterro en els fonaments).

In 1968 he started the production of his first feature film, Soplo de esplendor (Touch of Splendor), which he was not to finish until 1973. This film includes a half-feature made between 1968 and 1970 called El hachazo (The Axe Blow) which may be seen as a precedent of his Goya- winning films. Soplo de esplendor was shown at the Locarno International Film Festival in 1974, but it was not possible to legalise and premiere it in Spain until 1981, under the title La sombra de los gigantes (The Shadow of the Giants).

He has subsequently directed the following films: El gènere femení (Womankind), Capità Escalaborns (Captain Escalaborns) and Escapada Final (Scapegoat), on original stories written by himself; De mica en mica s´omple la pica (Many a Mickle Makes a Muckle), based on Jaume Fuster’s novel; El cazador furtivo (The Poacher), based on Guy de Maupassant’s Bel Ami; La veritat oculta (The Hidden Truth), based on stories by Pere Calders; El jovencito Drácula (Young Dracula), using characters created by Bram Stoker; ¿Dónde se nacionaliza la marea? (Where does the Tide Acquire Nationality?),based on the true story of the film’s leading actress; La venganza del proscrito (The Revenge of the Outcast), an essay film shot on the locations of the mythical films of his childhood; Cançons d´Amor i Anarquia (Songs of Love and Anarchy), from two concerts given in, respectively, Barcelona in 2014 and Sanremo in 2015; Al final de la vida (At the End of Life), an intimate portrait on his mother, which is screened annually on 26 February; and the documentary short on the city where Orson Welles’s birthplace, called O. W. Kenosha.

He has also directed five shorts and the video Is That Mine?, made for the Symposium on the Conservation and Preservation of Motion Pictures, which took place at the 1987 Barcelona Film Festival, and conceived as an indictment of the manipulations films are subjected to on television and the audiovisual media in general. In keeping with this same militant attitude of this video, he wrote the book Cineastes contra Magnats, which served as the basis for the exhibition of the same title and theme that took place from September 1999 to January 2000 at the Cinema Museum of Girona, as well as for the two feature films mentioned above.)

He has written and directed the episode Reportatge del Monument de Sonilles (Chronicle of the Sonilles Monument) for the serie of Televisió de Catalunya (TV3) Cròniques de la Veritat Oculta (Chronicles of the Hidden Truth), based on tales by Pere Calders; and produced the films El domini dels sentits (The Domain of the Senses), a feature-length film composed of five episodes directed by as many young Catalan woman directors; as well as Tomándote (Two for Tea), directed by Isabel Gardela; and La segona pàtria (The Second Homeland), directed by David Pallarès in coproduction with Zabriskie Films.

Also for Produccions Kilimanjaro, a production company of which he is a founder-member, he conceived and co-produced a thirteen-episode series for Televisió de Catalunya (TV3) called Sota el signe de... (Under the Sign of...) which hinges on the star signs, and for which he contributed the episode L’Àngel i l’Escorpió (The Angel and the Scorpio).

He is the author of two books on, respectively,filmmakers Nicholas Ray and Rovira-Beleta, and has been the subject of the book El refugio de los Apaches, el cine de Carlos Benpar (The Refuge of the Apaches. The Cinema of Carlos Benpar)

During the period 1991-94, he collaborated in the newspapers Diari de Barcelona and El Mundo Deportivo with a series of articles that, under the umbrella title Un Barça de película (A Movie Barça), would analyze the matches played by the F.C. Barcelona in comparative reference to a classic film.


Soplo de Esplendor
(Touch of Splendor)
Legalized in 1981 as La sombra de los gigantes- (Shadow of the Giants)
Director, Writer and Actor

El Jovencito Drácula
(Young Dracula)
Director and Actor

De Mica en Mica s’omple la pica / Dinero Negro
(Many a Mickle Makes a Muckle)
Alternate: El Procedimiento
Director and Writer

Escapada Final -Scapegoat-
Director, Writer and Producer

La Veritat Oculta
(The Hidden Truth)
Director, Writer and Producer

Capità Escalaborns
(Captain Escalaborns)
Director and Writer

El Caçador Furtiu
(The Poacher)
Director, Writer and Producer

El Domini dels Sentits
(The domain of the senses)
Excecutive Producer

(Two for tea)
Executive Producer

Cineastes contra Magnats
(Filmmakers Vs Tycoons)
Director, Writer and Producer

Cineastes en Acció
(Filmmakers in Action)
Director, Writer and Producer

La venjança del proscrit
(The Revenge of the Outcast)
Director, Writer and producer

Al final de la vida
(At the End of Life)
Director, Writer and producer

La segona pàtria
(The second homeland)

¿Dónde se nacionaliza la marea?
(Where Does the Tide Acquire Nacionality?)
Director, Writer and Producer

El gènere femení
Director, Writer and Producer

Cançons d ́Amor i Anarquia
(Songs of Love and Anarchy)
Director and producer


Tom y las moscas 1970 Director

La Forma Ovalar 1970 Director

6 de Maig, Blaugrana al vent 1978 Director and Producer

Un adios a Steve McQueen 1980 Producer Dir: Mireia Ros

Moment Crític 1984 Director, Writer and Producer

Bones Intencions 1984 Director, Writer and Producer

El Sistema Robert Hein 1986 Producer Dir: Luis Aller

Baidefeis 2008 Producer Dir: Cristina Raventós

O. W. Kenosha 2008 Director, Writer and Producer


Reportatge del Monument de Sonilles 1996
(Chronicle of the Sonilles Monument)
Director AND Writer

L’Àngel i l’Escorpió 1999
(The Angel and the Scorpio)
Writer and Director of the episode
Producer Executiu of the series

Psiquiatres, psicólogos y otros enfermos 2008
(Psychiatrists, psychologists and other Patients)
TV Movie
Director: Pedro Telechea


Bicefal 1986

Is That Mine? 1987


Nicholas Ray Ediciones J.C., 1986
2nd Edition 2005

Cineastes contra Magnats Ixía Llibres, 1991

Rovira-Beleta, el cine y el cineasta Laertes S.A. de Ediciones, 2000

El Refugi dels Apatxes, el cinema de Carlos Benpar Antonio Llorens Sanchís, Filmoteca de Catalunya, 2012


Denver (Carles Balagué, 1980)

Radio Speed / La radio folla (Francesc Bellmunt, 1986)

Iluminati (Santiago Lapeira, 2008)